South Eastern Osteopathy | Health Matters Issue 3
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Health Matters Issue 3

Health Matters Issue 3

Welcome Note
Welcome to the Winter edition of Health Matters –South Eastern Osteopathy’s seasonal newsletter.


It is our goal to promote health through education on how our bodies work, why they break down and what can be done to prevent or manage these conditions when they occur.


Health Promo
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in Australian women, accounting for more than 13,698 new cases of breast cancer and 2,800 deaths each year. Early detection is the best method for reducing deaths from breast cancer.

Look for any changes in the breast which are not normal for you, or which you have not seen before. You should visit a GP if you notice any of the following important changes:

Lump, lumpiness or thickening, if this is a new change in one breast only
Changes to the nipple: such as a change in shape, crusting, a sore or ulcer, or redness of the nipple
Discharge from the nipple: which is from one nipple and is bloodstained or occurs without squeezing
Changes in the skin of the breast: such as any puckering or dimpling of the skin, unusual redness or other colour change
Persistent unusual pain: which occurs in one breast only
A change in the shape or size of a breast: this might be either an increase or a decrease in size.


Knowing what is normal for you is just as important after menopause. Breast cancer becomes more common as you grow older, so knowing what is normal for your breasts is just as important after menopause.


For more information visit: or speak to our practitioners who can refer you to the appropriate people.


This Issues Topic: We All Fall Down
What is proprioception/balance?
Proprioception can be described as: nerve impulses originating from the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, which are then processed by the brain to provide information about joint position, motion and pressure.


Diagram 1. Balance


It is basically the awareness and control of our own bodies, even if you are blindfolded, you know through proprioception if your arm is above your head or hanging by your side.


Prevention is much better than cure when it comes to working on your balance. As we age, our sense of balance starts to decrease, and research has shown that a seniors risk of falling more than doubles if they have poor balance. In 2008, more than 60,000 over 60’s were hospitalized after falls, as their bones are more susceptible to fracture and healing can difficult, further limiting their mobility.


People with poor balance can suffer serious musculoskeletal injury: acute ankle sprains, osteoarthritis, damage to their knees, and the above-mentioned falls (affecting all ages).


How steady are you?
One basic exercise is to stand on one leg in a doorway (for support if needed). Start with your eyes open, holding the pose for 60 seconds. As you develop your balance you can then try it with your eyes closed (which removes the sensory input from your vision, therefore relying on joint proprioception for balance).
As you get more comfortable, you can incorporate leaning movements to further develop your balance and strengthen the muscle groups required.


Diagram 2. Proprioception in action


What can I do to help myself?
Our Osteopaths are skilled in the teaching of proprioception exercises as an important component of rehabilitation from injury. Many of the essential stretching, core stability & proprioceptive exercises can be viewed on our website. Go to the “exercise tips” pages at:

Your Questions?
What is EPC (Enhanced Primary Care)?
You may be able to claim Medicare rebates for Osteopathic services if you have a chronic medical condition that is managed by your GP. A chronic medical condition is one that has been present for six months or longer, including musculoskeletal pain.
Your GP will decide wether you would benefit from Osteopathic services and complete the appropriate referral forms.

Until Next Quarter
Next issues topic: “pain” – what is it good for?
We sincerely hope that you will continue to enjoy and learn from this quarterly newsletter. Previous newsletters can be viewed on our websites “news and articles” page.

Katrina & Mark Papallo – your osteopath on the Gold Coast