09 Jan Core stability
Always consult your Osteopath or General Physician before attempting an exercise or rehabilitation programme. For more information or to make an appointment please contact (07) 5607 0100 or click here to contact us by email.
Hip Circles
Sit on the ball with feet shoulder width apart,
Set you abdominals by pulling your umbilicus towards your spine to keep your back tall and in a neutral lumbar curve,
Slowly curl your tailbone down and under and then the opposite back and out and repeat,
Then push your hips out from side to side and repeat,
Finally rotate your hips around in a circle and repeat in the opposite direction.
Seated leg raise
Sit on the ball with feet shoulder width apart,
Set you abdominals by pulling your umbilicus towards your spine to keep your back tall and in a neutral lumbar curve,
Raise one leg off the ground around two inches and hold for 40 seconds
The next stage of the exercise is to extend the leg out straight and hold for 40 seconds,
Then repeat on the other side.
Supine Stability
Sit on the ball with feet shoulder width apart,
Set you abdominals by pulling your umbilicus towards your spine to keep your back tall and in a neutral lumbar curve,
Slowly walk your feet forward and roll the ball under your spine until just your neck and shoulders are supported by the ball and hold for 60 seconds,
(be sure that you keep your core muscles contracted)
The next stage of the exercise is to extend the leg out straight and hold for 60 seconds,
Then repeat on the other side.
Lie over the swiss ball as described above,
Set you abdominals by pulling your umbilicus towards your spine to keep your back in a neutral lumbar curve
Whilst you simultaneously raise the opposite leg,
raise one arm out in front of you to shoulder height.
Hold for 60 seconds then slowly lower limbs back down and repeat on the other side.
(be sure that you keep your core muscles contracted)
The Plank
Kneel in front of the ball with your forearms stabilised on top of the ball,
Set you abdominals by pulling your umbilicus towards your spine to keep your back in a neutral lumbar curve,
Straighten your legs and lift your body off the ball,
Hold your body in a straight line for 60 seconds
(be sure that you keep your core muscles contracted)