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Author: admin

Welcome Note   Welcome to the Winter edition of Health Matters –South Eastern Osteopathy’s seasonal newsletter. It is our goal to promote health through education on how our bodies work, why they break down and what can be done to prevent or manage these conditions when they occur.   Health...

Welcome Note Happy New Year!   Welcome to the Summer edition of Health Matters – South Eastern Osteopathy’s seasonal newsletter.   It is our goal to promote health through education on how our bodies work, why they break down and what can be done to prevent or manage these conditions when...

Welcome Note Welcome to the Winter edition of Health Matters –South Eastern Osteopathy’s seasonal newsletter.   It is our goal to promote health through education on how our bodies work, why they break down and what can be done to prevent or manage these conditions when they occur.   Health...

Welcome Note   Welcome to the Autumn edition of Health Matters –South Eastern Osteopathy’s seasonal newsletter. How quickly does three months go!   Firstly, thank you to all those who have submitted fantastic feedback and topics that you would like addressed. You have supplied us with material for many...

Welcome Note   Welcome to the first issue of “Health Matters”, a quarterly newsletter created by the Osteopaths at South Eastern Osteopathy. The purpose of this letter is to educate our patients on how our bodies work, why they break down from time to time and what...

Always consult your Osteopath or General Physician before attempting an exercise or rehabilitation programme. For more information or to make an appointment please contact (07) 5607 0100 or click here to contact us by email.   Trapezius (Side and back of neck) Sit comfortably with spine straight, Bend neck slightly...

Always consult your Osteopath or General Physician before attempting an exercise or rehabilitation programme. For more information or to make an appointment please contact (07) 5607 0100 or click here to contact us by email.   Adductors Stretch (Inside of leg) Stand tall (ensure pelvis not rotated) with feet...

Always consult your Osteopath or General Physician before attempting an exercise or rehabilitation programme. For more information or to make an appointment please contact (07) 5607 0100 or click here to contact us by email.   Hip Circles Sit on the ball with feet shoulder width apart, Set you abdominals...

Breathing is fundamental to life. We do it some 16 times a minute without giving it a second thought. Yet most of us simply don’t know how to breathe properly. Our breathing tends to be shallow, using only a small percentage of our total lung capacity....

Always consult your Osteopath or General Physician before attempting an exercise or rehabilitation programme. For more information or to make an appointment please contact (07) 5607 0100 or click here to contact us by email.  POSITIONS TO EASE PAIN Lying Over a Swiss Ball This position is good for...