South Eastern Osteopathy | Health Matters Issue 2
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Health Matters Issue 2

Health Matters Issue 2

Welcome Note


Welcome to the Autumn edition of Health Matters –South Eastern Osteopathy’s seasonal newsletter. How quickly does three months go!


Firstly, thank you to all those who have submitted fantastic feedback and topics that you would like addressed. You have supplied us with material for many editions to come.

Further feedback is still greatly appreciated – Contact


It is our goal to promote health through education on how our bodies work, why they break down and what can be done to prevent or manage these conditions when they occur.


Health Promo


Over the last several years of treating people, the incidence of our patients that have either been diagnosed with or have passed away from prostate cancer is scary.


Therefore we feel it’s important to make our patients aware that:

“Prostate cancer is the second-largest cause of male cancer deaths in Australia!”


It is Crucial that you consult your local GP if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:


Waking frequently at night, or a sudden urgent need to urinate

Difficulty in starting to urinate

Slow flow of urine and difficulty stopping

Discomfort when urinating

Painful ejaculation

Blood in the urine or semen


It is also important to note that many prostate cancers develop without men experiencing any symptoms at all. This is why men from the age of 50 onwards, or from 40 if there has been a family history, should be tested yearly. Regular testing is vital as younger men usually have a more aggressive form of the disease. So ladies be sure to strongly advise your men to get checked.


For those of you who are survivors of or are currently suffering from this cancer and would like the contact details for local support groups, please contact us on 07 56070100, call the Cancer Council Help line 131120 or view


This Issues Topic: The Core of the Matter


Core stability: relates to the area of the body bounded by the abdominal wall, pelvis, lower back, diaphragm and its ability to stabilise the whole body.


The main muscles involved include the transverse abdominal, obliques, erector spinae, multifidus and the diaphragm (see diagram 1).


It is the action of these muscles contracting together upon the incompressible contents of the abdominal organs (viscera) that provides support to the spine and pelvis during movement.






Diagram 1. Core muscles


Whenever a person moves, to lift something or simply move from one position to another, the core region is tensed first to protect the spine. This tension is usually made unconsciously and in conjunction with a change in breathing pattern.


The problem is these muscles become inhibited (switch off) when you have back pain and they don’t necessarily automatically switch back on once the pain settles. They lose their memory and timing, such that if they do come back on, their protective abilities can be delayed, leading to further or recurrent injury.

Therefore core training should be an essential component of your rehabilitation.


What can I do to help myself?

Our Osteopaths are skilled in the teaching of core stability exercises as an important component of rehabilitation from back pain and injury.


At this clinic, Osteopathic manual treatment of the lower back, pelvis and hip areas is implemented to improve circulation, release restricted joints, reduce tension in the muscles, thus improving the range of motion and the efficiency of core training.


Many of the essential stretching and core stability exercises can be viewed on our website. Go to the “exercise tips” pages at:


Your Questions?


One of the questions we received last season was: Do you accept DVA Cards?

Yes, Department of Veteran Affairs card holders may be entitled to have their osteopathic treatments fully subsidised. Please contact your general medical practitioner for a doctor’s referral.


Until Next Quarter


Next issues topic: “We all fall down” – how do we stay upright?, what is balance ? and why do I need to know about it?


We sincerely hope that you will continue to enjoy and learn from this quarterly newsletter. Previous newsletters can be viewed on our websites “news and articles” page.


Mark Papallo & Katrina Champion

Katrina Champion & Mark Papallo – your osteopath on the Gold Coast